Using Netshare

Netscape Netshare provides Netscape Enterprise Server users with a personal home page from which they can store, share, and manage their server documents. Netshare is a convenient starting point for using the Netscape Enterprise Server user services: Web Publisher, agents, and search. From their home page, users can also obtain information about how they are defined in the server's user directory: for example, their name, password, and telephone extension.

As a Netshare user, you have your own personal home page that provides easy access to Netscape Enterprise Server user services, such as Web Publisher and search. You also have one or more personal Netshare home directories that you can use for publishing documents that you want to store on the server. You can direct other users to this directory as a central repository of your server documents.

Displaying your home page

To display your default Netshare home page, type in this URL: For example, for the user JDoe on the server Markets, you'd enter this URL: Another method for displaying your home page is to list of all Netshare users on your server by typing this URL and clicking on the link listed for your Netshare directory: Note:  It's a good idea to create a bookmark to your Netshare home page so you don't have to type the URL again each time you want to locate it.

Controlling access to your home page

When your server administrator creates a Netshare home directory for your user ID, you are assigned as its owner and are the only one who can write to the directory. Other users can read your files, but cannot make any changes to them unless you explicitly provide such access permissions.

This means that if you access the Netshare folder itself (http: you can click on any other user's Netshare to look at the contents of their home directory, but you cannot modify their files or folders unless they have explicitly set the access permissions to permit this.

If you are part of a group for which a Netshare has been created, you and all other members of the group have permission to modify the files and folders in the group's Netshare directory. However, only the user designated as the owner by the server administrator when the Netshare was set up can modify the access control rules for the group's directory.

Linking to other services

Your default Netshare home page displays a set of links that allow you to access many server functions, most of which operate on your home directory and the files it contains. Some functions open a new browser window, others use the right frame to display their information. If you want to return to the original content of your right frame, click the Reload button in your browser.